Saturday, September 24, 2011

Russian Dolls: Renata's Passionista Movement

There is something very likable about Renata Krumer!  Maybe it's her friendly, gentle personality, maybe it's her ability to talk to people and relax them, maybe it's her style and class and the professional way she carries herself?  Maybe all of the above.  In any case, I wish the show Russian Dolls would have put the spotlight on her more and much less on Marina, who has none of these traits.  But I digress.  I see that Renata is having a "Passionista Movement" meeting on Sunday, October 9th at The New Cats Cafe located at 2027 Emmons Avenue in Brooklyn at 3 PM. 

The purpose of the group, according to Renata is "I believe in passion, I believe in love, I believe that all people are outstanding! Our Passionista Movement will be a force, that will help people to achieve and share their achievments with the world. Open up about your passion. The world needs to know!"

In this meeting, Renata says, "I would love to hear and to talk about your passions, about your concerns related to your passions, about steps that you have to take to succeed with your passion! Start believing in yourself, the world will follow!"

If you are interested in attending or knowing more, here is the link to the website where you can contact Renata and be on your way to following your dreams:

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